Tryin’ Cayenne
Botanical name: Capsicum annuum
If you ever want to add a bit of spice to your life, you may want to try cayenne pepper, a red, hot little spice with origins in South and Central America.1
According to Encyclopaedia Brittanica, the exact origin of this spice is the city of Cayenne in French Guiana.2 Dried and powdered, it produces a powerful heat that can enhance a plethora of foods with the right amount. What's even better than its heat is an active ingredient called capsaicin gives cayenne and other hot peppers their intensity,3 and may also be a powerful pain reliever.4
Native Americans understood both the culinary and medicinal potency of cayenne pepper around 9,000 years ago.5,6 Cajun and Creole cooks, as well as those in Italy, Mexico and Asia, used it to make their dishes a little — or a lot — spicier, while Korean, Japanese and Chinese healers and Indian Ayurvedic traditions have relied on this ingredient for numerous cures.7
One burning inquiry that many have is the difference between cayenne pepper and paprika, since both spices look remarkably the same. One taste of each, however, will answer that question quickly, as cayenne is ground from one of the spiciest of dried hot peppers, while paprika is from dried, ground and sometimes smoked red bell peppers,8 which exude a mild sweetness rather than heat. Jalapeno peppers and serrano peppers are remarkably similar to cayennes in terms of spiciness, as they are on the same level on the Scoville Heat Scale.9
You may find cayenne peppers at your local farmers market, or you can grow them in your own garden, just like other peppers. They appear long, slender and brilliant red among dark green, bushy plants.
One method for drying fully ripened cayenne peppers is to stack as many as you'd like on sturdy threads using a standard needle inserted right under the stem. Hang them in a dry area for several weeks, or however long it takes for their moisture to completely dissipate, and they turn dark red and crinkly.10
When the peppers are completely dry, they can be placed in an airtight jar or baggies for several months.11 Grind them in your spice or coffee grinder to make red pepper flakes, or a little longer so they become a fine powder. Use immediately or store in a jar with a tight lid.12
Cayenne pepper can add some spicy depth to fish tacos, condiments, creamy or tomato-based dishes, teas, smoothies and meat glazes. Even dark chocolate has been made tastier with a little sprinkle of this spice with a kick. Start small, though; You want the flavor to be pleasing, not painful!
Health Benefits of Cayenne
A single teaspoon of cayenne pepper imparts 37.5 micrograms of vitamin A (good for fighting infection, as well as helping maintain healthy mucous membranes, from your lungs to your urinary tract),13 and 0.537 milligrams of vitamin E (aka alpha tocopherol). Red peppers also tend to have higher carotenoid content — especially lutein, zeaxanthin and astaxanthin.14
Cayenne peppers provide 1.38 milligrams of vitamin C per teaspoon, which delivers collagen synthesis to retain healthy skin, blood vessels,15 bones16 and organs,17 and helps boost your immunity.18 Vitamin K helps reduce the risk of vascular calcifications.19 Cayenne is also a good source of vitamin B6, manganese, niacin, riboflavin, magnesium and iron, as well as potassium,20 which helps control your heart rate and blood pressure.21
Cayenne pepper is recommended as part of a holistic healing protocol. According to the Organic Lifestyle Magazine:22
"While cayenne is amazing by itself, when it is combined with another herb, the results are worth more than the sum of its parts. Capsaicin helps every other herb function better because it stimulates the circulation of blood, which helps get the beneficial bio-chemicals and nutrition to the cells.
Cayenne is an extremely effective treatment for heart and blood circulation problems, palpitations and cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heart beat). It's a miracle for congestive heart failure and is beneficial for someone who has any type of circulatory problems, such as high or low blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, high triglycerides, and even varicose veins."
An impressive number of other health benefits can be gleaned by ingesting careful amounts of cayenne pepper, especially in regard to capsaicin for pain relief.23 In fact, capsaicin is now widely known in medical circles as a useful treatment, even for painful, debilitating arthritis.24 Studies also indicated that cayenne pepper may help:
- Clear up congestion — It may come as no surprise that the heat from cayenne peppers may help loosen up phlegm and mucus in your lungs and nasal passages.25
- Reduce headache pain — The capsaicin in cayenne peppers is thought to provide headache relief by depleting Substance P, a neurotransmitter that helps send pain signals.26
- Fight inflammation — Capsaicin is currently being studied for its ability to treat painful sensory nerve disorders such as arthritis and psoriasis.27
- Reduce the risk of prostate cancer — A study at the Los Angeles School of Medicine revealed that capsaicin has the power to slow the growth of prostate cancer cells and even destroy them.28,29
- Lower Type 2 diabetes risk — Ingesting chili peppers has been found to lower the amount of insulin needed to decrease your blood sugar levels after a meal. Further, the more often hot pepper is included in your meals, the less insulin is required.30
- Aid in weight management — Research showed that cayenne pepper contains heat-producing compounds that create a phenomenon known as thermogenesis, which consumes oxygen in your body and may result in weight loss.31
Despite these benefits, it is possible to eat too many hot peppers. While the peppers' heat provides the unexpected benefits of killing off harmful stomach bacteria,32 studies also confirmed that eating an excessive amount of spicy foods like cayenne is associated with gastric cancer.33
Of course, no one with sense would eat an ounce of cayenne pepper all at once, but in examining that amount for its nutritional attributes, you'll get a good idea of what even a tiny bit sprinkled on your cottage cheese might do for you.
Cayenne Pepper Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 teaspoon, spices, pepper, red or cayenne
Calories |
5.72 |
Total Fat |
0.311 g |
Saturated Fat |
0.059 g |
Trans Fat |
Cholesterol |
0 mg |
Sodium |
0.54 mg |
Total Carbohydrates |
1.02 g |
Dietary Fiber |
0.49 g |
Sugar |
0.186 g |
Protein |
0.216 g |
Calcium 2.66 mg |
Iron |
0.14 mg |
Studies Done on Cayenne
Studied extensively for its biological effects, capsaicin has been found to be heart-protective, anti-inflammatory and beneficial on the gastrointestinal system, among other things. Evidence supports its use for pain relief, cancer prevention, inflammation, diabetes, healing gastric ulcers, preventing gallstones and aiding weight loss.33 34
A comprehensive, 33-study review explored capsaicin's effectiveness in pain relief, concluding that capsaicin worked better than a placebo for cluster headaches.35
Healthy Cayenne Recipe:
Smothered Portobello Mushroom Fries
✓ 2 large organic Portobello mushroom caps
✓ 1/2 cup organic Parmesan cheese, shredded
✓ 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
✓ 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
✓ 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
✓ 1 large organic egg, beaten
✓ 3 strips free-range bacon
✓ 1/4 cup grass fed cheddar cheese, grated
✓ 1 tablespoon dried chives, to garnish
- Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Slice the mushroom caps into 1/4 inch-thick strips and cut the ends off at an angle to imitate a "French fry" cut.
- In a small food processor, blend the Parmesan cheese and seasonings until the mixture is well-combined. Transfer the mixture to a shallow bowl or dish.
- Beat the egg in a small bowl. Dip the mushroom fries in the egg to coat.
- Carefully roll the mushrooms in the Parmesan mixture.
- Place the mushroom fries on the prepared baking sheet and roast for about 10 minutes.
- While the fries are baking, add bacon strips to a pan and fry over medium heat until crisp. Remove the bacon from the pan and allow to cool before crumbling or dicing with a knife.
- Remove the fries from the oven and cover with shredded cheese and crumbled bacon.
- Bake for an additional five minutes or until cheese is melted. Top with dried chives and serve.
Cayenne Fun Facts
Developed in 1912, the Scoville Heat Scale was devised to rank various peppers according to their heat.36 The test involved a panel of five taste testers willing to subject themselves to a controlled amount of solution made from specific peppers to be dropped onto their tongues. The number of drops of sugar water it took to dilute the heat constituted SHUs, or Scoville heat units. Bell peppers weren't hot enough to require sugar water, so they rated zero. Peppers used to make pepper spray, however, called for millions of drops of sugar water. Cayenne pepper tipped the scale at 30,000 to 50,000 SHU. Today, SHUs are measured much more scientifically.37
Dried and powdered cayenne pepper lends an astonishing heat to many types of foods, so starting with a small amount is definitely recommended! Remember that while paprika looks very similar, it's ground from red bell peppers, so it doesn't pack the same spicy punch.
The healing power of cayenne peppers has been known for many years, especially in areas such as pain relief,38 heart health and diabetes.39 Today's research corroborates those uses, but adds that cayenne may also useful for fighting inflammation, reducing the risk of cancer and promoting weight loss.